Top 3 Best Campsites on the West Coast Trail

I want to start off by saying ALL of the campsites along the West Coast Trail (WCT) are beautiful. Each one has its own charm and unique beauty. Crowded sites can be a problem, but you are probably only going to encounter that at the Thrashers Cove, Campers, or Cullite Cove; even then, there is always space.

My group and I did have some favourite campsites. These are the three campsites that really stood out above all the other ones and that you can’t miss if hiking the West Coast Trail.

1. Bonilla Point

Kilometre: 48
Outhouse: Yes
Bear bins: Yes
Beach access: No

Bonilla Point was by far our favourite campsite. The site is huge and could easily accommodate dozens of tents. There is a stream the bisects the area with camping available on the north and south sides. When we were there, one other group was there as well but they camped across the stream. The outhouse is on the south side of the steam and is not too far or too close to where you camp. There are lots of trees on the south side where you can keep your tent shelters bit if it is windy/rainy. It would also be very easy to set up a tarp. If you are in the right spot, you will fall asleep to the sound of the waterfall that is near the site.

There is no ocean-access from the beach but the beach is massive and beautiful. There is the stream that is very close and runs through the beach to the ocean. If you walk upstream, you will encounter an amazing waterfall.

2. Darling River

Kilometre: 11
Outhouse: Yes
Bear bins: Yes
Beach access: Yes

Darling River was our last campsite of the trip (we went North to South). While the site is not huge, there is so much driftwood piled up that you do not even realize there are other campers around. It feels like you are in your own little fort. With all the driftwood, it is easy to find or build a sheltered location from the wind. It would also be fairly easy to build a tarp setup.

There is no ocean-access from Darling River either but you can walk to a stream. The stream isn’t very close, but nice to walk to once you have set up camp. If you are feeling adventurous, there is a big waterfall upstream along the creek. It is a bit of a walk and you need some sort of footwear to make the walk bearable.

3. Tsusiat Falls

Kilometre: 21
Outhouse: Yes
Bear bins: Yes
Beach access: Yes

Tsusiat Falls campsite is one of the more popular sites due to its location and iconic waterfall. It is the southern campsite on one end of a 17km stretch between Tsusiat Falls and Cribs Creek, making it almost essential that you camp at Tsusiat Falls.

The falls and amazing cliffs make this a beautiful campsite. Hopefully you have warm weather and are able to go for a swim in the pool at the base of the falls – the water here is some of the warmest on the trail. There are a ton of sites for tents at Tsusiat Falls. You can camp on both sides of the stream that leads from the falls to the ocean. While the south side has fewer people usually, the north side is closer to the outhouse and bear bins.

That brings me to some of the cons for Tsusiat Falls. One outhouse is not enough for how busy the campsite gets. There was a line 4-5 people long for most of the morning we were there. The outhouse is also quite far from the main camp area. There are also too few bear bins for how many people camp there.

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